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Overview on rating headcount report


The headcount chart provide users a quick view of the company headcount at any point of time. You can analyze the rating for employees in your organization by using the Rating overview via the menu path HR ➔ Statistics ➔ Headcount ➔ Rating. The current and previous rating in a job group or a cost center can be seen in this overview. By using this report, you can analyze the performance of your employees and from there a personal development planning and training can be planned for each  employees.

Data can be presented in 3 layout options, which are Analysis, Columns or Pie. For each layout, a user can choose different kinds of record grouping. In addition to record grouping, the user can apply filtering by selecting a range of cost centers or job groups.

Menu path 

HR ➔ Statistics ➔ Headcount ➔ Rating  


Selection section


You have the choice between three different types of layouts. You can choose from:

  • Analysis: with this option you can make an analysis of the current and previous rating for employees.
  • Columns: with this option you can print the overview in a graph.
  • Pie: with this option you can print the overview in a pie diagram.

Group by

You can group the overview on cost centre and job group.

Range section

Cost center

You can print the overview by selecting a range of cost centers or a single cost center. The graph will be printed based on the employees who have been attached to the selected cost centre.

Job group

You can also print the overview based on the job group selection. The employees who are attached to the selected job group will be printed in the overview.

Type section


If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Employee' will be displayed in the overview.


If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Student' will be displayed in the overview.


If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Contractor' will be displayed in the overview.


If you check this field, all employees of the type 'Temporary' will be displayed in the overview.

Include section


When you check this field, all employees with the status 'Active' will be displayed in the overview.


When you check this field, all employees with the status 'Inactive' will be displayed in the overview.



With this button you can print the overview and the overview will be printed in the Excel format.


With this button you can close the application


Layout: Analysis

  • The rating in 'black' indicates there are no changes for the previous and the current rating for an employee.
  • The rating in 'blue' indicates that there are improvements for the current rating compared the previous rating for an employee.
  • The rating in 'red' indicates that there is a decreased of his/her rating compared the pervious rating.

Layout: Columns

The columns show the total number of employees for the previous and the current rating. You can view the graph for all the employees or a cost center or job group by selecting them from the 'Cost center' or 'Job group' which is located in the left hand corner of the graph. This option (Cost center or Job group) will be displayed based on the selected group by option from the 'Selection range'. You can also view the graph for a certain rating group by checking or un-checking the rating group from the 'Rating' selection which is located at the bottom of the graph. Select to view the rating for current or previous or both ratings from the 'Month' selection.

Layout: Pie

The pies show the percentage of the number of employees for the previous and current rating. You can view the graph for all the employees or a cost center or job group by selecting them from the 'Cost center' or 'Job group' which is located in the left hand corner of the graph. This option (Cost center or Job group) will be displayed based on the selected group by option from the 'Selection range'. You can also view the graph for a certain rating group by checking or un-checking the rating group from the 'Rating' selection which is located at the right site of the graph. Select to view the rating for current or previous or both ratings from the 'Month' selection.

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 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 08.794.115
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: